The most successful websites today offer clear evidence that web site promotion is a good investment – they do not depend upon Google searches alone. The ugly truth is that even if you achieve Page One ranking in Google searches today, you can’t rely on keeping it. There is only one way to achieve strong, stable traffic to your site over the long term: Web Site Promotion! The best methods of web site promotion are social media and blogging.
A recent study of the US market indicated that 96% of the internet market also subscribes to mobile phones, and of those, 44% are smartphones. These figures show that the market is changing – and with it, your web site promotion needs to change. Facebook, Twitter, and similar social media services have changed the net forever. For maximum coverage of your market niche, you must not rely on SEO alone. Yes, Search Engine Optimization is important, and will remain so, but to really achieve maximum exposure, web site promotion is essential.
A substantial portion of internet based purchases are actually the direct product of impulse buying, triggered by tweets and facebook postings. Links inserted in relevant blog articles are another excellent trigger. A buyer who follows a link, using his / her smartphone is not likely to spend time and effort in a google search – rather, such visitors are likely to rely on the advice of trusted contacts. You can capitalize on this trend by maintaining a quality blog, and by utilizing social media for aggressive web site promotion.
Web Site Promotion is one of those specialties which is best contracted to an expert. The average entrepreneur has neither the time nor the expertise to master web site promotion.
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