Internet marketing development began in the mid 1990's. In less than two decades, the system has dramatically altered commerce, worldwide. It is estimated that internet marketing directly impacted more than 50% of retail sales in 2012. (This estimate combines direct sales and purchases influenced by online research.) Any entrepreneur who is serious about doing business in the 21st Century MUST give serious attention to internet marketing!
Depending upon the nature of your business, your marketing techniques may differ from those of other businesses, but internet marketing is a process which you must not neglect. If your product is large, expensive items (such as real estate, or automobiles) – or if your primary “product” is service – your site will function primarily as an advertising tool. On the other hand, if you offer digital products, such as music or documents, you may well handle close to 100% of sales directly from the site – even delivering most of your products digitally. Your customers can make a purchase without having to travel or to wait for a shipment. It isn’t just a local phenomenon, either – internet marketing has made it possible for even a “start up” entrepreneur to market many products worldwide.
A related aspect of internet marketing is that in many cases, it isn’t necessary to stock any merchandise. Most portable items may be drop shipped from a central warehouse, or even from the manufacturer. Many internet marketing website owners function as retailers without ever having handled the product, and without the expense of maintaining an inventory of available merchandise. This aspect of internet marketing has opened opportunities for skilled marketers who lack funds to establish a conventional retail business. At the same time, this business model makes it possible to operate with much lower overhead – so the era of internet marketing has resulted in benefits to both marketers and consumers.
Anyone who has a marketable product or service should give serious consideration to the advantages of internet marketing!
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